Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blood, Sweat & Tears

Well I've had the 'sweat' (last summer) and now I've had the 'blood' -fortunately it hadn't spread too far onto the fabric! I thought I'd taped up the cable ends so that those little bits of wire wouldn't catch me -but, no, there was one I missed.  So now all that remains are the 'tears'.  Depending on how your pronounce the word, it's either going to be no big deal; it's going to be a big deal; or it's one of joy when she finally takes to the air (whenever that might be).  Here's hoping it's the last or the first and never the middle one.

We've now completed the tail feathers' covering and are in the process of working out where the appropriate holes need to be made for the control cables.  There is now a higher sense of urgency about the project as we strive to get the fuselage at least semi-completed so that we can display our 'ladies' either side for our Russian visitors benefit (and maybe a bit of TV coverage to boot!). This means that more time will be spent in the next couple of weeks to reach that stage, risking a certain amount of opprobrium on the domestic front. But, hey, our forebears risked more than that so it'll have to be a case of 'grin and bear it'. But not too wide a grin.

Rex, meanwhile, continues with his meticulous work on the lower wings.  In a way it's going to be rather sad when they are finally covered as we won't be able to see the superb work he has done on them.  We must ensure that we get some photos of them mounted in place before the covering is done. (Memo to self: make a mental note on a piece of paper to do that.)  And to think that he turns 80 in October -you wouldn't believe it!

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