Wednesday, June 23, 2010


That, in a word, is the state of the play while we await certain vital pieces of hardware to arrive -plus a bit more welding to occur, before progress can continue.  In fact Rex has opted to move to Queensland for a month to get a bit of warmth back into his bones while he awaits the aforementioned hardware.

The weatehr has been such that I nearly didn't make it to the AHC the other morning as there was a dirty great flood across State Highway 1 just outside Seddon.  However, the male (intentional pun!) must get through so I followed in the wake (literally!) of a 4X4 and only afterwards thought that I could have gone back home and taken Michele's 4X4 instead. Ah well, memories of doing such things back on my trusty Norton Jubilee and slipping the clutch to make sure I didn't gobble up lots of water through the exhaust pipe came flooding back (damn, another pun!) and so all went well.

Talk of the AHC and hibernation reminds me that visitor numbers are coming down but we still manage to get a few coming through to keep the till ticking over. Other thoughts are still ticking over about the Airshow next year and we've also been asked to think what we could do as a Russian theme as Blenheim will be hosting the Russians for the 2011 Rugby World Cup in Spetember.  Just for their training, no matches - we dipped out on that to Nelson I believe.  So we are considering decking out the Nieuports in a (temporary) Russian scheme which, if that comes to fruition, should make quite a few handsome photos circulating the globe.  More than that I cannot reveal.  Yet.

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