Thursday, July 18, 2024

It's been a long time between drinks

 I see my last post was in 2021 -and it is now 2024! That's a lot of water under the bridge, (carrying on with the water theme) so this will be catch-up time. And what a lot there is!

The second 'new' daughter has visited me/us twice from Hobart and we have visited her once. We'll be making up for that next year. What a delightful family they are, too -but with her genes, how could they not be? She has been instrumental in bringing out more of my background by enrolling me in a project where a number of questions are posed each week for a year -most of them I hadn't thought of for my original History which I'd begun mainly for the benefit of my grandchildren. The other beneficiaries are, of course, my two new daughters.

On the personal front, the body has undergone a few repairs: a new knee, and two cataracts removed. With a bit of luck that should see me last out my days! 

But the most important part of this blog is about XVI: it now has two new regular pilots and three more have been signed, having sufficient traildragger hours to satisfy the Insurance company. It participated in the 2023 Classic Fighters Airshow with rocket rails fitted but not the rockets themselves.

There was some reluctance about fitting them due to possible interference with the aircraft's handling. So it was a case of slowly adding one bank of rockets at a time until the final top bank (which was the major fear) was fitted. And the effect? Zilch! And here it is to prove it:

However, since the rockets are somewhat delicate, they will only be installed for public displays.

Here's another view:

To end this update, here's a photo of it (in an 'unarmed' state...) with its stable mate, a Nieuport XII:

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